Sunday, September 18, 2011

Halibut foil dinner

Did you miss me?  I took a mini break from the blog because well...this pregnancy has really been tiring me out!!  I can't wait to be done with this first trimester so I can stop feeling like a blob.

But back to the food.

On Friday night we had fish!  We stay away from meat on Fridays.  It's an old school Catholic thing to do.  Friday, being the day Christ died for us, brings up the notion of sacrifice.  A small way to do that is to just forgo meat on Fridays.

Here was our simple Friday night meal.  It comes together quickly and takes almost zero prep.  It also happens to be a handy way to cook things if you're camping. 

This is sort of a Val improvising recipe.

Halibut (or any fish) foil dinner for 2

2 pieces of halibut
2tbsp lemon juice
4 tbsp butter
2tsp dill
4 carrots sliced
1 cup of peas
salt and pepper to taste

Aluminum foil!

1.  Cut two large pieces of aluminum foil.  It should be enough to double your fish and veggies.

2.  Butter the bottom of the foil. 

3.  Lay half your carrots and your peas down.  Add salt, pepper and dill.

4.  Lay your fish on top of the veggies and put a dab of butter on top of the fish.  Sprinkle with dill, salt and pepper.  Drizzle with 1tbsp lemon juice.

5.  Bring up the sides of the foil and seal like a packet.  Just fold the edges together until you have a nice foil packet.  Repeat steps for packet #2!

6.  Bake in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes until the fish flakes nicely and the carrots are tender.  Enjoy!

Important note, make sure your fish is completely thawed before putting it in the packet, or else like me you'll end up with a slight puddle in the packet when you open it.  If this happens to you, no worry, just drain it off before sliding it onto your plate.  Heh.  Did I mention I'm not a real chef?

Watch out!  The packets will be steaming when you open them, so don't stuff your face right up to the packet when you open it!

This goes really well with garlic bread!

I had some extra time before Jon got home on Friday and made some baguettes!  Aren't they pretty?  Thank you bread maker for making it so easy!  Yum.


In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Dear Jesus, thank you for your Friday sacrifice for us.  Help us to remember to offer up our little sacrifices for you constantly so that we might draw ourselves closer to you.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. "This goes really well with garlic bread!"

    Coincidentally, the baguette makes really good garlic bread. I also learned recently that garlic bread takes a lot of garlic. I was wondering why restaurant garlic bread tasted like garlic and mine didn't...
